・JR山手線全車両のサイネージに2週間「NEMOPHILA 5th Anniversary~地獄のゆるふわ LIVE at 日本武道館~」告知映像を掲載。
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We have achieved our second goal! Thank you so much to all who participated!
Since we have reached our second goal, moving on to the next step already!
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If we reach 12.5 million yen, NEMOPHILA's videos will be on all Yamanote Line cars for 2 weeks!! Additionally, let's put up NEMOPHILA posters in all Yamanote Line cars for 2 weeks!!
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
In addition, if we reach our stretch goal of 12.5 million yen, we will add an actual hanging poster in return for those who purchase a Plan of 25,000 yen or more.
We want to further share the joy and passion of performing at Nippon Budokan! We want as many people as possible to know! Let’s expand the circle of NEMOPHILA even more!We look forward to your continued support and participation!
Thank you!
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Goal already achieved!!
Thank you very much!! Moving onto the next one!!
Thank you so much to everyone, we were able to achieve our goal so quickly!! To all who participated, sincerely, thank you very much!
Since we achieved our goal, we have a new one now!
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
If we reach 6 million yen, NEMOPHILA's video will be displayed on all Yamanote Line cars for an additional week! Let's run NEMOPHILA's footage for a total of 2 weeks!!
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
We want to share the excitement of our journey to the Budokan concert with all of you!! We look forward to your continued support and participation!
Thank you again!

Vo. mayu
Gt. 葉月
Ba. ハラグチサン
Dr. むらたたむ
"The sound is intense like hell but everything else is gentle and fluffy”
We are NEMOPHILA, the soft and fluffy band from hell!
Formed just before the COVID-19 pandemic, we have gradually gained experience through YouTube broadcasts, streaming live shows, domestic and US tours, and supporting acts. Now, we are thrilled to announce that we will be having our first solo live performance at the Nippon Budokan! We never imagined that we would have the opportunity to perform at the legendary venue within just 5 years. Since it's a dream stage for us, we want to make it a memorable show that will last a lifetime.
To make it even more special for ourselves, the fans, as well as those who will attend our show for the first time, and even future fans who may not know us yet, we want to make it more fun, exciting, and bond with everyone! We want to share this moment with as many people as possible! Let’s make this an unforgettable part of our history together!"
Vo. mayu

NEMOPHILA is a band that has been around for only 4 years. More than half of those years were during the COVID-19 pandemic, which came with various restrictions. However, we did what we could do mainly via YouTube. We started to gain more and more fans, and with your support, we were able to overcome various limitations, challenges, and issues. And now, we are having a concert at the legendary stage, “Nippon Budokan”.
We want to enjoy and make this live event a great experience together with everybody. That's why we've decided to challenge this crowdfunding, and we hope you'll join us.
Here are some of the goals we want to achieve with your support:
Let's stream NEMOPHILA videos on all JR Yamanote Line train screens!
Let's put up NEMOPHILA posters at train stations!

ZeppDiverCityで行われた「METAL WEEKEND 2019」で LOUDNESS や HAMMERFALL 等のオープニングアクトとしてデビューライブを飾る。
IRON MAIDENをカバーした YouTube は 330 万回を超える再生数を誇り、世界のラウドファンに名を轟かせる。
2021年にイギリスで CD 「OIRAN EXTENDED EDITION」をリリース。海外セールスとしては記録的な1万枚を販売。
2021年にリリースした 1st フルアルバム「REVIVE」はオリコン初登場 4 位にチャートイン。その「REVIVE」を引っ提げ、オリジナルメンバーで初めての有観客ワンマンライブは異例の「LINE CUBE SHIBUYA(旧渋谷公会堂)」にて開催。
2022年 7 月アメリカ・ロサンゼルス「Whisky a Go Go」でのワンマンライブはソールドアウト。
2022年 10 月にアメリカで開催された『AFTERSHOCK Fes』に出演。出演したステージでその日の最高動員と思われるほどの観客で埋め尽くされる。
12月にはセカンドアルバム「Seize the Fate」をリリース。
2023年 1 月~ 2 月には Zepp を中心とした全国 8 箇所での初の全国ツアーを実施する。
そして3 月には北米ツアーを実施。 L.A.、N.Y.などではチケットはソールドアウト。そのツアー中には「SXSW2023」へ出演。
6月にはROTTENGRAFFTY、花冷え。、Survive Said The Prophet、デーモン閣下と、NEMOPHILA主催のZepp対バンツアーを開催。
11月~1月全国11カ所のツアーを行い、そのファイナルとして2024年2月17日(土)「地獄のゆるふわ LIVE at 日本武道館」開催!
A Japanese girls' loud rock band.
Their debut live concert was as an opening act for bands like LOUDNESS and HAMMERFALL at "METAL WEEKEND 2019" held at ZeppDiverCity.
Their cover video of IRON MAIDEN on YouTube has over 3.3 million views now, which gave a huge impact to loud music fans worldwide.
In 2021, the Japanese girls' rock band released the CD "OIRAN EXTENDED EDITION" in the UK, achieving record-breaking sales of over 10,000 copies in overseas markets. Their debut full album "REVIVE," released in 2021, made its debut at number 4 on the Oricon charts. With "REVIVE" in hand, they held their first live performance with an audience, an extraordinary event at the "LINE CUBE SHIBUYA" (formerly known as Shibuya Public Hall) that sold out instantly.
Their one-man live performance in July 2022 at "Whisky a Go Go" in Los Angeles, USA, was also sold out. In October 2022, they participated in the "AFTERSHOCK Festival" held in the US, filling the stage with what seemed to be the day's highest attendance.
In December, they released their second album, "Seize the Fate."
In January and February 2023, they conducted their first nationwide tour, covering eight locations with Zepp venues as the main stages. In March, they embarked on a North American tour, with sold-out tickets in cities like Los Angeles and New York. During this tour, they also performed at "SXSW 2023."
In June, they organized a Zepp tour featuring with ROTTENGRAFFTY, 花冷え。 (Hanabie.), Survive Said The Prophet, and デーモン閣下 (Demon Kakka) as part of NEMOPHILA's headlining event.
In July, they hosted a hall tour, reaching their maximum capacity, at Tokyo Garden Theater and Kobe International Conference Center Kokusai Hall.
From November 2023 to January 2024, NEMOPHILA will tour 11 venues throughout Japan, the tour finale scheduled for February 17, 2024 (Saturday) at "JIGOKU NO YURUFUWA LIVE at Nippon Budokan"!

目標金額は400万円です。集まった資金はJR山手線全車両のサイネージに1週間「NEMOPHILA 5th Anniversary~地獄のゆるふわ LIVE at 日本武道館~」告知映像を掲載、併せて駅にオリジナルポスターを掲載するための広告費用、制作費用などに利用させていただきます。
①JR山手線全車両に1週間窓上のサイネージの3画面に「NEMOPHILA 5th Anniversary~地獄のゆるふわ LIVE at 日本武道館~」の告知映像を掲載するための広告料及びその映像制作費
②メンバーが選んだ駅に「NEMOPHILA 5th Anniversary~地獄のゆるふわ LIVE at 日本武道館~」のオリジナルポスター掲載するための広告料及びポスター制作費
B1縦 (W728mm × W1,030mm )のポスターを駅に貼ります。
The goal is 4 million yen. The funds raised will be used to show the "NEMOPHILA 5th Anniversary〜JIGOKU NO YURUFUWA LIVE at NIPPON BUDOKAN〜" advertisement video on the screens in all JR Yamanote Line train cars for one week, as well as for the cost of creating the video, station advertising, making posters, and rewards.
1. 15-second video clip on the 21.5 inch screens (3 synced screens) in all JR Yamanote Line train cars.
2. Advertising fees and poster production costs for posting "NEMOPHILA 5th Anniversary〜JIGOU NO YURUFUWA LIVE at NIPPON BUDOKAN〜"
The posters will be displayed at stations chosen by the band members.
B1 Size Vertical (W728mm × H1,030mm) posters to be placed at selected stations.
3. Costs for rewards and shipping fees

また、購入額に応じて様々なお返しをご用意してますが、「NEMOPHILA 5th Anniversary~地獄のゆるふわ LIVE at 日本武道館~」のBlu-rayのエンドロールにお名前を掲載したり、リハーサル見学や公演後のメンバーとのアフタートーク参加券などの目玉企画もあります!
Everyone who makes a purchase will receive an original wristband (randomly selected from the 5 available colors) and a thank you postcard.
Furthermore, depending on the purchase amount, various rewards are available, including the opportunity to have your name listed in the credits of the "NEMOPHILA 5th Anniversary〜JIGUKU NO YURUFUWA LIVE at NIPPON BUDOKAN〜" Blu-ray, access to check out the rehearsal, and tickets to participate in an after-show talk session with the band members. 

【A コース】【Plan A】 3,500円
◆オリジナルリストバンド <5色のうち1色を選択していただきます。>
◆お礼ポストカード <プリントになります。>
◆Original wristband <You can select one color out of 5 colors. >
◆Thanks postcard <Printed. >
【B コース】【Plan B】7,000円
◆オリジナルリストバンド <5色のうち1色を選択していただきます。>
◆お礼ポストカード <プリントになります。>
◆お礼ボイスメッセージ <メンバーからのお礼ボイスメッセージをお届けします。>
◆Original wristband <You can select one color out of 5 colors. >
◆Thanks postcard <Printed. >
◆Thank you voice message <You will receive a thank you voice message from a member. >・Only one thank-you voice message will be sent, even if multiple purchases are made.
【C コース】【Plan C】 12,500円
◆オリジナルリストバンド <5色のうち1色を選択していただきます。>
◆お礼ポストカード <プリントになります。>
◆お礼ボイスメッセージ <メンバーからのお礼ボイスメッセージをお届けします。>
◆お礼映像メッセージ <メンバーからのお礼映像メッセージをお届けします。>
◆武道館公演ライブBlu-ray エンドロールクレジット SSサイズ
◆Original wristband <You can select one color out of 5 colors. >
◆Thanks postcard <Printed. >
◆Thank you voice message <You will receive a thank you voice message from a member. >
◆Thank you video message <You will receive a thank you video message from the members. >
・Only one thank-you voice message and one thank-you video message will be sent, even if multiple purchases are made.
◆Budokan live performance Blu-ray end roll credit SS size
・Please fill in the name of the credit (name) you would like to be listed.
・Please write your name within 20 characters.
・Please use any name you like, regardless of whether it is your real name or a handle name.
・Please note that we cannot change your name after you have applied.
・The live Blu-ray of the Budokan concert is not included.
<Notice regarding credit information>
・If you enter a name that identifies a third party, a name that offends public order and morals, or a name that uses machine-dependent characters, we may refuse to publish your name.
・We reserve the right to refuse publication of names that identify third parties or are offensive to public order and morals. If the content is deemed problematic, Ubugoe will use the Ubugoe user ID at the discretion of the publisher.
・If you have purchased more than one item in return and the credits are the same, they will only be listed as one credit.
【D コース】【Plan D】 25,000円
◆オリジナルリストバンド <5色セット>
◆お礼ポストカード <プリントになります。>
◆お礼ボイスメッセージ <メンバーからのお礼ボイスメッセージをお届けします。>
◆お礼映像メッセージ <メンバーからのお礼映像メッセージをお届けします。>
◆武道館公演ライブBlu-ray エンドロールクレジット Sサイズ
◆広告に使用するオリジナルポスター B1縦 (W728mm × H1,030mm )
◆Original wristband <5-color set>
◆Thanks postcard <Printed. >
◆Thank you voice message <You will receive a thank you voice message from a member. >
◆Thank you video message <You will receive a thank you video message from the members. >
・Only one thank-you voice message and one thank-you video message will be sent, even if multiple purchases are made.
◆Budokan live performance Blu-ray end roll credit S size
・Please fill in the name of the credit (name) you would like to be listed.
・Please write your name within 20 characters.
・Please use any name you like, regardless of whether it is your real name or a handle name.
・Please note that we cannot change your name after you have applied.
・The live Blu-ray of the Budokan concert is not included.
<Notice regarding credit information>
・If you enter a name that identifies a third party, a name that offends public order and morals, or a name that uses machine-dependent characters, we may refuse to publish your name.
・We reserve the right to refuse publication of names that identify third parties or are offensive to public order and morals. If the content is deemed problematic, Ubugoe will use the Ubugoe user ID at the discretion of the publisher.
・If you have purchased more than one item in return and the credits are the same, they will only be listed as one credit.
◆Original posters for station advertising
【E コース】【Plan E】 50,000円
◆オリジナルリストバンド <5色セット>
◆お礼ポストカード <あなたのお名前をメンバー直筆で入れます。文面はプリントになります。>
◆お礼ボイスメッセージ <メンバーからのお礼ボイスメッセージをお届けします。>
◆お礼映像メッセージ <メンバーからのお礼映像メッセージをお届けします。>
◆武道館公演ライブBlu-ray エンドロールクレジット Mサイズ
◆広告に使用するオリジナルポスター B1縦 (W728mm × H1,030mm )
◆Original wristband <5-color set>
◆Thanks postcard <NEMOPHILA will write your name on the postcard. The text will be printed. >
◆Thank you voice message <You will receive a thank you voice message from a member. >
◆Thank you video message <You will receive a thank you video message from the members. >
・Only one thank-you voice message and one thank-you video message will be sent, even if multiple purchases are made.
◆Budokan live performance Blu-ray end roll credit M size
・Please fill in the name of the credit (name) you would like to be listed.
・Please write your name within 20 characters.
・Please use any name you like, regardless of whether it is your real name or a handle name.
・Please note that we cannot change your name after you have applied.
・The live Blu-ray of the Budokan concert is not included.
<Notice regarding credit information>
・If you enter a name that identifies a third party, a name that offends public order and morals, or a name that uses machine-dependent characters, we may refuse to publish your name.
・We reserve the right to refuse publication of names that identify third parties or are offensive to public order and morals. If the content is deemed problematic, Ubugoe will use the Ubugoe user ID at the discretion of the publisher.
・If you have purchased more than one item in return and the credits are the same, they will only be listed as one credit.
◆Original posters for station advertising
◆One of three original video patterns for JR Yamanote Line trains' screens
【F コース】【Plan F】 100,000円
◆オリジナルリストバンド <5色セット>
◆お礼ポストカード <メンバー直筆のあなたへのメッセージをお届けします!>
◆お礼ボイスメッセージ <メンバーからのお礼ボイスメッセージをお届けします。>
◆お礼映像メッセージ <メンバーからのお礼映像メッセージをお届けします。>
◆武道館公演ライブBlu-ray エンドロールクレジット Lサイズ
◆広告に使用するオリジナルポスター B1縦 (W728mm × H1,030mm )
・武道館公演のチケット自体は含まれていません。チケットのご購入についてはNEMOPHILA OFFICIAL WEBにてご確認ください。
◆Original wristband <5-color set>
◆Thanks postcard <NEMOPHILA will write your name on the postcard. The text will be printed. >
◆Thank you voice message <You will receive a thank you voice message from a member. >
◆Thank you video message <You will receive a thank you video message from the members. >
・Only one thank-you voice message and one thank-you video message will be sent, even if multiple purchases are made.
◆Budokan live performance Blu-ray end roll credit L size
・Please fill in the name of the credit (name) you would like to be listed.
・Please write your name within 20 characters.
・Please use any name you like, regardless of whether it is your real name or a handle name.
・Please note that we cannot change your name after you have applied.
・The live Blu-ray of the Budokan concert is not included.
<Notice regarding credit information>
・If you enter a name that identifies a third party, a name that offends public order and morals, or a name that uses machine-dependent characters, we may refuse to publish your name.
・We reserve the right to refuse publication of names that identify third parties or are offensive to public order and morals. If the content is deemed problematic, Ubugoe will use the Ubugoe user ID at the discretion of the publisher.
・If you have purchased more than one item in return and the credits are the same, they will only be listed as one credit.
◆Original posters for station advertising
◆Two of three original video patterns for JR Yamanote Line trains' screens
◆Rehearsal visit on the day of the Budokan, February 17, 2024.
・Tickets for the Budokan concert itself are not included. For ticket information, please visit NEMOPHILA OFFICIAL WEB .
・The cost of transportation to and from the Budokan and lodging at the Budokan will be borne by the purchaser.
【コンプリート!コース】【Complete!】 200,000円
◆オリジナルリストバンド <5色セット>
◆お礼ポストカード <メンバー直筆のあなたへのメッセージをお届けします!>
◆お礼ボイスメッセージ <メンバーからのお礼ボイスメッセージをお届けします。>
◆お礼映像メッセージ <メンバーからのお礼映像メッセージをお届けします。>
◆武道館公演ライブBlu-ray エンドロールクレジット XLサイズ
◆広告に使用するオリジナルポスター B1縦 (W728mm × H1,030mm )
・武道館公演のチケット自体は含まれていません。チケットのご購入についてはNEMOPHILA OFFICIAL WEBにてご確認ください。
◆Original wristband <5-color set>
◆Thanks postcard <NEMOPHILA will write your name on the postcard. The text will be printed.>
◆Thank you voice message <You will receive a thank you voice message from a member. >
◆Thank you video message <You will receive a thank you video message from the members. >
・Only one thank-you voice message and one thank-you video message will be sent, even if multiple purchases are made.
◆Budokan live performance Blu-ray end roll credit XL size
・Please fill in the name of the credit (name) you would like to be listed.
・Please write your name within 20 characters.
・Please use any name you like, regardless of whether it is your real name or a handle name.
・Please note that we cannot change your name after you have applied.
・The live Blu-ray of the Budokan concert is not included.
<Notice regarding credit information>
・If you enter a name that identifies a third party, a name that offends public order and morals, or a name that uses machine-dependent characters, we may refuse to publish your name.
・We reserve the right to refuse publication of names that identify third parties or are offensive to public order and morals. If the content is deemed problematic, Ubugoe will use the Ubugoe user ID at the discretion of the publisher.
・If you have purchased more than one item in return and the credits are the same, they will only be listed as one credit.
◆Original posters for station advertising
◆All three original video patterns for JR Yamanote Line trains' screens
◆Rehearsal visit on the day of the Budokan, February 17, 2024.
◆After talk invitation (with drink) after the live performance on the day of Budokan, February 17, 2024
・Tickets for the Budokan concert itself are not included. For ticket information, please visit NEMOPHILA OFFICIAL WEB.
・The cost of transportation to and from the Budokan and lodging at the Budokan will be borne by the purchaser.

2023年10月 8日(日) プロジェクト開始
12月 5日(火) プロジェクト終了
12月下旬 サイネージ放映開始
2024年2月17日(土) 日本武道館LIVE
3月中旬以降 お返しを順次お届けします。
5月~7月頃 Blu-rayリリースを予定しています。
2023/10/8 Project starts
2023/12/5 Project ends
Late December Advertisement start
2024/2/17 Nippon Budokan LIVE
Mid-March onwards Returns will be sent in order.
Around May-July Blu-ray release is scheduled.
(Schedule is subject to change.)

Through this crowdfunding project, we would like to share the excitement of performing at such a legendary venue, "Nippon Budokan," with all our fans! We want to build up the excitement together, share our daily steps towards Nippon Budokan, have a great time, and expand the NEMOPHILA vibe!
Thank you for your support. 
■ 本クラウドファンディングは「All or Nothing」方式を採用しており、目標金額に到達しない場合はプロジェクト不成立となり実行されません。その場合ご支援頂いた金額は返金となります。
The system of this project “All-or-Nothing”. If the target amount is not reached, the project will fail and will not be implemented. In that case, your donation will be refunded.
■ ご購入後のプラン変更、およびキャンセルは承ることができません。またお届けした返礼品は不良品を除き、返品は受け付けられませんので予めご了承ください。
After making a purchase, changes to your plan and cancellations are not possible. Additionally, please note that except for defective items, returns of the rewards will not be accepted.
■ プランは全て消費税込み / 国内送料込みの価格となります。
All plan prices include consumption tax and domestic shipping costs.
■ プロジェクトやお返しに関するご連絡は、プロジェクト掲載者よりうぶごえサイト内のメッセージ、レポート(メール通知あり)でお知らせいたします。ご購入後は定期的にメールまたは通知のご確認をお願いいたします。
Information regarding the project and rewards will be contacted by the project creator through messages on the crowdfunding platform's website (Ubu-goe) and reports (email notifications). After making a purchase, we kindly request that you regularly check your email or notifications for updates.
・@ubgoe.com のドメイン受信設定
Q: Is membership registration required to purchase rewards?
A: Yes, you will need to register as a member of Ubu-goe (free registration). You can register using your email address or through your Google, X, Facebook, or LINE account.
Please note that when registering as a user, you will receive an authentication email with a URL. Before registering, please ensure the following:
・Your email settings allow emails from the @ubgoe.com domain.
・Your email settings allow the receipt of emails containing URLs.
This will ensure that you can successfully complete the registration process.
When you register as a user, Ubu-goe will send an authentication email with a URL to the email address you provided. Please click on the authentication URL within 24 hours to complete your user registration.
If you do not receive the authentication email, please check the following:
・Ensure that the email address you entered during registration is correct.
・Check your "Spam" or "Junk" folder in case the email was mistakenly filtered there.
・Verify that the email is not being blocked by your email service's spam filter.
By confirming these points, you should be able to locate the authentication email.
If an issue occurs and you are unable to resolve it, please refer to the provided instructions and then contact customer support for further assistance. When contacting support, be sure to include detailed information about the issue you are having.
Q : How do I purchase the reward?
A : After registering as a member, please select the reward you would like to the cart. Once you have completed your selection, please proceed to the cart. Please note that you must stay on the page during the purchase until the payment is completed. ※DO NOT go away from the page (such as using the browser back button).
Q: Are there any fees in addition to the price of the reward?
A: As a system usage fee, we charge a certain fee based on the total reward amount. You can check the details in the system usage fee section on the payment confirmation screen. Additionally, on the payment confirmation screen, there is a feature that allows you to add an extra amount as a "gratuity" to the project or contributor. The system usage fee does not apply to the amount added using this "gratuity" option.
Q: What is a "gratuity" option?
A: At the time of purchase on the payment screen, you have the option to add an additional amount to the purchase price as a "gratuity" to convey your appreciation or feelings to the project or project contributor. Please note that even if you add a gratuity of 7,000 yen to a 5,000 yen reward, you will only receive the 5,000 yen reward, and no fee is applied to the gratuity amount.
Q: What payment methods are available?
A: You can choose from credit card payment, convenience store payment, bank transfer (Pay-easy/ designated bank transfer)and PayPal payment. Each payment method has specific guidelines, so please refer to the following help page for details.
※Please note that different payment methods have different handling limits. For more information, please refer to the help page below.
※Credit cards that do not support 3D Secure authentication cannot be used. Please refer to this help page for details.
※Debit cards and prepaid credit cards may not be supported in case of issues, so please refrain from using them.
・About credit card payments
・About convenience store payments
・About bank transfers (Pay-easy/designated bank transfer)
・About PayPal Payments
[Important] If you choose to make a purchase via convenience store payment or bank transfer near the end of the recruitment period, please be aware that there are specific usage periods and payment deadlines for each.
Q: Where can I confirm if the payment was done?
A: You can check about the payment by logging into Ubu-goe and going to "Order History" in your "My Page." If it displays "[Payment Completed]," then the payment has been successfully processed.
If you see a status other than "[Payment Completed]," please refer to the following help pages:
・How to check order and purchase history
・I ordered with a credit card, but the payment is not completed
Especially in the case of a credit card payment, if the status remains "Payment Processing" for more than 30 minutes, there may be an issue with the payment. In such a case, please consult the above-mentioned help pages for instructions on completing the payment.
※Please note that if the payment is not completed and left in that state, the order will be automatically canceled after a certain period.
Q: Is it possible to have a receipt?
A: We do not provide receipts. Please use the transfer statement or usage statement issued by your bank or credit card company as a substitute.
A:海外から支援する場合は、転送コム様などの海外発送サービスをご利用ください。うぶごえでの決済はクレジットカード(Visa/Mastercard/JCB/American Express)PayPalを利用することができます。
Q: How to support us from overseas ?
A: If you wish to support us from overseas, please use an international shipping service such as Tenso.com. Credit Card (Visa/Mastercard/JCB/American Express)and PayPal can be used for payment at Ubgoe. Some cards may not be accepted. In such cases, please contact your credit card company.
Q: Can I make multiple purchases with the same account?
A: Within the recruitment period, you can purchase items multiple times with the same account as long as there is available stock. However, for items with a limited quantity, there may be restrictions on how many you can purchase. Please be aware that there will be a system fee incurred for each purchase.
Q: Is it possible for the products that have sold out to be replenished?
A: For items with a limited quantity, there is a possibility that the project creator may add more available stock after it has sold out, depending on their circumstances.
Additionally, if a partner (purchaser) experiences "payment failure" or fails to make a payment by the deadline for convenience store payment or bank transfer, the reserved stock will automatically become available again. In this case, the timing of stock availability depends on the date when the partner submitted their purchase request, and as a general rule, Ubu-goe and the project creator do not announce the schedule for stock replenishment.
Q: When will the reward gifts be shipped?
A: Please check the "Expected Delivery Date" in the reward gift section or refer to the information sent by the project creator. After completing your purchase, you can also check the details in the "Order History" section, which is located on the top right of the site and in your "My Page."
Q: Is it possible to specify the delivery date for the reward gifts?
A: We do not offer the option to specify a delivery date for the reward gifts.
Q: Is it possible to change "content of choices" or "End Roll Credits," after making a purchase?
A: We are unable to make changes to your choice and name after your application has been submitted, so please be aware of this policy. Furthermore, if you make changes after your application, please note that the updated information will not be reflected in the delivered items.
Q: Is it possible to change the "Delivery Address" before the gift arrives?
A: While logged in, you can make changes from the "Order History" in your "My Page" by selecting the icon at the top right of the site. However, please note that the deadline for changes is set until the project ends, considering the preparation for gift shipment.
Additionally, if you request a change in the delivery address after the change deadline or if there are inaccuracies in the delivery address you provided, please be aware that any reshipment will be at your expense.
Q: How can I ask questions to the project creator or about the reward gift?
A: You can contact the project creator by clicking on "[Send Feedback or Question]" in the project creator's profile section on the project page. If you have already purchased a reward gift, you can also contact the project creator by using the messaging feature, which is located on the top right of the site under "Create New Message."
Furthermore, we provide help pages with frequently asked questions about how to use Ubu-goe and related topics. Please check these pages for more information:
・About payment methods
・When ordering or purchasing a reward gift
・How to modify choices or input after purchase
・How to contact the project creator
Please also refer to this help page for inquiries to Ubu-goe:
About contacting Ubugoe
※Please note that if you contact us on weekends or holidays, we will respond on the next business day, as those days are considered non-business days.
Please refer to this image for the cart screen.